According to The Eastern Times of 23 December 2009, the Deputy Director of (Administrative and Development and Transformation) of Malaysian Administrative Modernisation and Management Planning Unit (MAMPU), Abdul Rahim Md. Noor urged all civil servants in the State to have the “Rentap Spirit” to bring the nation to greater heights.
He said that Rentap had a special character, who had the spirit and the courage to fight and to defend his people, and was thus worthy of emulation by all civil servants in the state.
“Rentap was willing to sacrifice his own life for the sake of his people. In fact there are many people in Sarawak who have this kind if spirit. The Sarawak Rangers and the Ngap Sayot are a few of the examples. They all have very strong fighting spirit.
“It is time for us to revive this kind of spirit and instill it into our civil service, and if we can do that, I am sure that we will be able to achieve a world class civil service by 2015,” Abdul Rahim said.
The Broken Shield’s comment:
We have now and then been reminded by our leaders to emulate the spirit of Rentap, who was one of Sarawak’s earliest freedom fighters more than 160 years ago against the “evil and cruel” White Rajah and his army.
Despite the odds against him, Rentap had never surrendered and had for a time was able to defend Bukit Sadok, Ulu Layar, Betong Division in battles in 1857 and 1858 and in 1861, he and his army were over run. He retreated to Ulu Wak where he was believed to have died.
Branded as rebel, Rentap was a fearless fighter and fought gallantly defending his territory and his people against the intruders (the White Rajah and his army).
The natives especially the Dayaks should emulate Rentap’s courage and spirit to defend in Rentap’s case his territory against the intruders (the White Rajah) and for us our NCR land against Sarawak’s new Rajah and the intruders (big plantation companies).
Thousands of acres of NCR land are being declared “State land” and then are being leased to big plantation companies. The land owners not only lose their land, their fruit trees and cash crops, but many also have lost their longhouses. But the natives, like Rentap, fight back; some put up blockades against these powerful “new Rajah” and his big plantation companies. And many have landed in jail. And They are the real “Rentaps” .
Our YBs who dare not speak for the people who voted for them against the intruders are not “Rentaps”. They are only the great pretenders. – The Broken Shield
Source: www.thebrokenshield.blogspot.com
He said that Rentap had a special character, who had the spirit and the courage to fight and to defend his people, and was thus worthy of emulation by all civil servants in the state.
“Rentap was willing to sacrifice his own life for the sake of his people. In fact there are many people in Sarawak who have this kind if spirit. The Sarawak Rangers and the Ngap Sayot are a few of the examples. They all have very strong fighting spirit.
“It is time for us to revive this kind of spirit and instill it into our civil service, and if we can do that, I am sure that we will be able to achieve a world class civil service by 2015,” Abdul Rahim said.
The Broken Shield’s comment:
We have now and then been reminded by our leaders to emulate the spirit of Rentap, who was one of Sarawak’s earliest freedom fighters more than 160 years ago against the “evil and cruel” White Rajah and his army.
Despite the odds against him, Rentap had never surrendered and had for a time was able to defend Bukit Sadok, Ulu Layar, Betong Division in battles in 1857 and 1858 and in 1861, he and his army were over run. He retreated to Ulu Wak where he was believed to have died.
Branded as rebel, Rentap was a fearless fighter and fought gallantly defending his territory and his people against the intruders (the White Rajah and his army).
The natives especially the Dayaks should emulate Rentap’s courage and spirit to defend in Rentap’s case his territory against the intruders (the White Rajah) and for us our NCR land against Sarawak’s new Rajah and the intruders (big plantation companies).
Thousands of acres of NCR land are being declared “State land” and then are being leased to big plantation companies. The land owners not only lose their land, their fruit trees and cash crops, but many also have lost their longhouses. But the natives, like Rentap, fight back; some put up blockades against these powerful “new Rajah” and his big plantation companies. And many have landed in jail. And They are the real “Rentaps” .
Our YBs who dare not speak for the people who voted for them against the intruders are not “Rentaps”. They are only the great pretenders. – The Broken Shield
Source: www.thebrokenshield.blogspot.com
The present Dayak leaders have no guts to protect dayak NCR land. So, to me they do not emulate the spirit of Rentap but more to Apai Sali, selalu kena tipu enggau dikeduan oleh Apai Umang.
what is the use of so many Rentap if they are not united! I think unity is more important than bravery. we are not here to seek bravery to fight in battles but we are here to seek unity and take on this corrupted gov't who have been robbing us for the last 46 years.
so unite and take on this challenge,dayaks.
Quote " Rentap had a special character, who had the spirit and the courage to fight and to defend his people,..............".
Now how many of our dayak Ybs can emulate this rare character of Rentap? None! So far the only group that could emulate these qualities are, sorry to say, not our dayak leaders but rather the Opposition non dayak Ybs. Seems like, after Rentap our dayak leaders have lost their balls. They have instead succumbed to the temptation of greed and power. In the process they have manipulated our dayak masses to suit their political agenda. That's the very reason why we dayaks are still the poorest with many surviving hand in mouth each day! Just stay for dinner in one of our longhouses in down river Engkilili. Our slime -ball dayak BN leaders may like to explain why there is no pipe water, no electricity and the "priok" is always one quarter full to feed a family of six? The irony is, in Kuching these leaders live in big houses, enjoy sumptuous meals each day with enough to spare to feed their family dogs too.
Our question for the day is, who amongst us will bear the torch of Rentap and lead us with the " the spirit and the courage to fight and to defend his people"..........?
The spirit of unity must be instill in all the dayaks. kampong meetings must be revive to reignite the dakyakism spirit that will unite all these dayaks so as to take on this corrupted gov't. only with the masses can we topple this wolf in white sheep skin.
Bravery must go hand in hand with unity.only then the objective will be met and mission accomplished.
MAMPU or AMPU? Sounds more like to kaki ampu/bodek/persuade the Dayak to keep vote BN only lah.
Never name your son as Rentap or claim yourself as sturdy as Rentap if keep on supporting BN and the White-haired Rajah only to kill and steal your own Dayak lands and rights.
You all Dayak supporters BN are nothing to talk about Rentap defender of Dayaks.
Quote " Rentap had a special character, who had the spirit and the courage to fight and to defend his people,..............".
I agree with the above quotes; but how do we emulate the rentap character if we are very weak right now.For the last 46 years we joined Malaysia, many of our YB Ibans and Dayaks Ministers were more towards emulating the character of "Apai Saloi" even starting from the era and struggle of TUN JUGAH before....
we don't unite amongst ourseves even when we struggle to join Malaysia...many Dayaks did't support and against in the formation of Malaysia...we rather rule by the Englishman and then to struggle own independence from them just like Brunei.
But unfortunately there was emerged a scape goat amongst the dayaks' communities like TUN JUGAH who agreed to be used by the Malays (Orang Malaya) for their own benefits..they quickly indentify the dayak the so called dayak leader who must be illeterate so that very easy to manipulate him for the interests of the Malays (Orang Malaya)...
Then we all know the results of the efforts of Dayak leaders...whether we like it or not..we have to admit it that we have been manipulated by other races and it goes on and on until today.....where we see IBAN FIGHT AGAINST IBAN because we are easily manipulated by others for their own objectives and ambitions.
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