According to Iban legend, Nabau is a giant snake comparable to the size of a drum and is more than 100 feet in length. The recent sighting of Nabau cruising along the Baleh River in Kapit has some resemblance to the ‘Loch Ness’ monster known as Nessie in Scotland. Judging by the photographs taken of Nabau, could the two animals of a similar breed?
Before going into the Nabau story, let me give the readers some information on the Loch Ness monster. It was first sighted by St. Columba in 565AD when he and his followers crossed the loch (lake) and since then it has been sighted now and then. The last sighting was reported on 17 June 1998. Many have described it just like a log, then up-turned boat or a large object with long tail.
On 30 November 1989, George Edwards discovered what looked like the hiding place of the monster in a depth of 812 feet of the loch. So many people including scientists have conducted a search for the elusive monster. One American, Robert Rines, now aged 85, has spent 37 years searching for the animal.
Now back to our Nabau, a member of the disaster relief committee, Sibu on 31 January 2009 was monitoring the flood situation in Ulu Rajang in a helicopter when he saw a monster that looked like a big snake cruising along the river. He took photographs of the monster at 5.30 pm at one of the Sungai Baleh tributaries from the helicopter.
According to Chuat Radin, the monster was Nabau, a python-type of snake, a much bigger in size and much longer in length. Among the Iban folk tales, super Nabau is like a “petara” (god) which has super natural powers. Seeing it alone will bring luck to the man. Its scales used by Iban as “pangkor” which give super strength, someone like the incredible Hulk.
Nabau has also been seen at Stambak Ulu and Ili in Betong and else where in Sarawak. In Africa and Sri Lanka this type of snake is known as ‘anaconda’.
There were tales among the Ibans in Kapit that when Temenggong Koh, Datuk Kenneth Kanyan’s father passed away in 1950s, he became a Nabau and used to appear in dreams. Koh was one of the pioneering Ibans who migrated to Entawau during the Brooke regime. As he was knowledgeable in Iban Adat and had the respect of the Brooke regime, he was made a Temenggong, the paramount chief of the Ibans.
But does Nabau really exist in Sarawak? And is the one seen at Sungai Baleh a Nabau or not?
Thus search and research should be conducted now by individuals or by those in authority such as the Sarawak Museum and the Ministry of Tourism to determine the existence of this huge creature.
Like in Scotland, where once a year Nessie festival is being organised, the authority in Kapit perhaps can organise such a festival. For what you know, the Nabau story can now become the star attraction as well as bringing more luck to Kapit such as in the form of development and road construction which the people have been asking for in the past 45 years. - The Broken Shield
Source: www.thebrokenshield.blogspot.com
Before going into the Nabau story, let me give the readers some information on the Loch Ness monster. It was first sighted by St. Columba in 565AD when he and his followers crossed the loch (lake) and since then it has been sighted now and then. The last sighting was reported on 17 June 1998. Many have described it just like a log, then up-turned boat or a large object with long tail.
On 30 November 1989, George Edwards discovered what looked like the hiding place of the monster in a depth of 812 feet of the loch. So many people including scientists have conducted a search for the elusive monster. One American, Robert Rines, now aged 85, has spent 37 years searching for the animal.
Now back to our Nabau, a member of the disaster relief committee, Sibu on 31 January 2009 was monitoring the flood situation in Ulu Rajang in a helicopter when he saw a monster that looked like a big snake cruising along the river. He took photographs of the monster at 5.30 pm at one of the Sungai Baleh tributaries from the helicopter.
According to Chuat Radin, the monster was Nabau, a python-type of snake, a much bigger in size and much longer in length. Among the Iban folk tales, super Nabau is like a “petara” (god) which has super natural powers. Seeing it alone will bring luck to the man. Its scales used by Iban as “pangkor” which give super strength, someone like the incredible Hulk.
Nabau has also been seen at Stambak Ulu and Ili in Betong and else where in Sarawak. In Africa and Sri Lanka this type of snake is known as ‘anaconda’.
There were tales among the Ibans in Kapit that when Temenggong Koh, Datuk Kenneth Kanyan’s father passed away in 1950s, he became a Nabau and used to appear in dreams. Koh was one of the pioneering Ibans who migrated to Entawau during the Brooke regime. As he was knowledgeable in Iban Adat and had the respect of the Brooke regime, he was made a Temenggong, the paramount chief of the Ibans.
But does Nabau really exist in Sarawak? And is the one seen at Sungai Baleh a Nabau or not?
Thus search and research should be conducted now by individuals or by those in authority such as the Sarawak Museum and the Ministry of Tourism to determine the existence of this huge creature.
Like in Scotland, where once a year Nessie festival is being organised, the authority in Kapit perhaps can organise such a festival. For what you know, the Nabau story can now become the star attraction as well as bringing more luck to Kapit such as in the form of development and road construction which the people have been asking for in the past 45 years. - The Broken Shield
Source: www.thebrokenshield.blogspot.com
The appearance of Nabau in the rivers of Sarawak can only mean one thing -- the gods are angry with the country's leaders that nabau has come to come out and save them!
Beware you the thieves,scoundrels and stealers of NCR land including those who go out and harrass the Dayaks, men, women and children, lock them up on remand, and burn their forests to open up the land to plant trees, oil palm and take the timber to fill up their pockets!
BEware, you the Nabau will go after you!
I don't really believe until I see the so-called 'Nabau' with my very own eyes..
You can check this video link, whether this 'Nabau' sighted in Sg Rajang is for real or fake..>>
I have seen Nabaus and I know they exist in Sarawak. Of the many Nabaus there are three largest one. Of the three, the largest one is believe to be 74 years old. It has grey hair (not much left lah). Body full of wrinkle. This Nabau dose not eats you but grabs your Native land. Prime Minister Abdullah Badawi cannot kill this nabau and just wait and see whether Najib can do something.
Rosli Dhoby.
That's Iban legend on "Nabau"
But "Nabau" can also be used to describe the uncivilised human character.When you willingly post for a nude photo of yourselve to be taken that is also "Nabau". Ellizabeth Wong took picture of herself not only naked but in a compromise position....that is worst than being Nabau. What say u guy?
sure... bulak borneo post nyak piak...
Those photos were seen in a Youtube video posted in 2007. It took 2 years for them to be appeared in Sarawak newspaper. What a very old newspaper we have...
But, I do believe in big snake or Nabau even though I have not seen one. But, one thing for sure, this snake will not eat you. Only photos can 'eat' a person. So be careful with photo you took 2, 5, 10 or 20 years ago. They might come quietly like Nabau... he he.
Bujang Senang
*New style of politics in Malaysia.
Photoshop.. ku nemu edit. nyak
In Swk, you seldom heard people "eaten" up by Nabau except alligators..
If in similarity and existance, Swk's Nabaus may have good and bad ones...the bad ones make benefits on his own people, grapse their lands, step on political partners, fulfil only their own family greeds and riches.....
The spirit of the Good Nabau will challenge the bad nabaus...for sure in revenge of the unjustice and unrighteousness...be careful Tahi & Jabun Companies Berhad
(Nabau is actually old age full grown big snake, more to the evil belief..)
Akiq Hawong! What's Elizabeth Wong's sleeping photos got to do with Nabau? I dun believe and think she stupidly and purposedly did that, as the MSM propagates it...well, those who believe blindly are as uncivilized as Nabau too..if you like us to put it that way...hahahha.Owh, btw..we want to see the pics too...can you post it for us? U know, it's hard to believe in things people say, until you see the proofs. Like the second Nabau photo..it looks like a pile of bullshit..the first one appears to be real..so, which one is Elizabeth Wong? come on man, grow up! Don't be so September 10.. you still listen to/believe in the MSM propagation? Sukati iya lah ka tindok telanjai..sukati sida iya lah...after all, she's only sleeping, so what's the big farking deal?SICK!.. In fact, those who try to propagate the issue should be the prime suspect of setting her up or placing a pinhole camera in her room, and should be charged guilty...why are we so caught up/concentrating in someone's personal life rather, while there are so many more important things we have in this nearly God-forsaken country? It's not gonna make us die if she sleeps in provocative position, so stop being blind dumbo ....have enuf of this sick politic things..that's my say, dumbass.
`Nabau` is not in the list of protected animals in Part I of the First Schedule of the Wild Life Protection Ordinance, l998. In other word you can kill it on sight for its meat to trade.
Akiq Hawong your bad mouthing Elizabeth Wong shows that you are narrow minded and easily influence by by MSM. You have not check anything but take it as the truth. Funny that you read blogs or are your blogs reading limited.I do not wish to spread the sickening mentality of people like Akiq. Photos were said to be taken by her ex-boyfriend who i guess takes the opportunity to make monies in the present political situation.
When the evil spirit of the nabau turns human, it eats up land, resources, breaks up racial families and deprive them of peace and harmony on the land they were bornt...This nabau has 2 legs, cant walk but sits in Roll Royce, has mouth, cant speak but shouts..This nabau belongs to the family of mr.satan
You did a good job on further descriptions of the legends. Thanks for the info :) Mind if I cite you in my blog? Anyhow I cited already ;p, hope you don't mind^^
Many thanks!
Agreed with Gemala Nabau. Why so stupid try to sensationalize the personal life as a big story rather than fixing the economics our country. Its just like Chua Soi Lek case.Do they thinks that Malaysian's peoples stupid enough !!! Commonlah..For the past 2 months Sarawak has been submerged in the water, but only a few minutes aired on the tv..especially RTM and TV3. Peoples suffering enough through this disaster.Therefore, i will turn off the tv every 8pm rather than watching and listening the bullshit. Am I the only one who did it???
Nabau likes `frogs` and `monkeys` to be its servants.It is greedy and dangerous animals...careful.Will swallow you if you heed its advice.
Gemala Nabau & Anonymous...I am afraid both of you are well behind time...kami udah datai ba pengkalan seduai baru ninga kukok manok. You only see the "sleeping photo" . But have seen the VCD? I repeat, HAVE SEEN THE VCD? Laju agi kayoh wai!
Older days, we scared children to sleep by saying there are "hantu" and told the olders not to go farming by saying "Nabau" was sighted or had traces of crawling past padi field, AM I RIGHT?
Now, if you want to scare them, you can just say " Ndak takut nuan ngagai Tahi, ngagai Jabun?"...
A philologist and a philosopher, after reading the comments on the article form an impression that the meaning of the word `NABAU` in Iban is " Nuan Anang Bejaie Aki Uban (NABAU)".
My first thought was, Two people in a helecopter, and this is the best photo they could get? I could do a better job with PhotoShop.
alamak ... you said that the phtographer was in the mission to monitor the flood .... but the river is not flooding ..... the water is very clear . The baleh river all the year is like teh susu laaa
yup.. bulak.. FAKE..
watever u wanna call it..
The pics shown in the papers are hard to say whether if its real or not..I've always know that there is nabau exist in the tributaries of Rejang River. People said it stays there and guard the Batang Baleh and Rejang river and never harmed people. And so if there's any indication of the nabau to show up, it would just mean that it wants something or kinda 'petanda'. Maybe it wants people to do a 'miring' ceremony. However, it has nothing to do with politics tho..
For these scenario, i think its better for us to bear in mind to know it exists and just leave it alone...it sets apart with other politics matter and has its own stories.
We respect nature and the nabau could be one of it.
Hi there,
I am trying to find the original source/owner of the nabau photo on your site. I am trying to obtain the rights to use it in a TV series...do you know where the photo comes from???? Any help would be appreciated!
the nabau story is real.. i have a friend, she saw the nabau before because she used to stay in the house on the water in iban village. She said, dat thing got a horn and the head only is bigger than their house. the nabau that they saw is d nabau's baby. but it didnt harm the people there.
I think it is a giant fake pic!
I live in Balikpapan, Kalimantan timur, across the other side of 'Borneo island'.
My brother in law is a shipping master. He took a photo of the legend, i don't know if it has the same name in Indonesia, and showed me in casual conversation.
I was astounded. First, as a bule from the British isles i must say that it is an excat copy of the Loch Ness monster. I know the river, but i won't mention it's name. It was photographed at the mouth of the river. He had no agenda, only relaying the story to me after i overheard him talking to another man.
They say in Kalimantan (most likely Dayaks) that when the "dragon" rises a natural disaster will vbefall the people.
There were two, he tells me, but one died.
That's true. I lost the phone with that picture but would be able to get another copy.
i have saw in sungai lingkau yesterday.it was his egg
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