The presence of Chief Minister Abdul Taib Mahmud and his Deputy Alfred Jabu Anak Numpang at the join the Gawai-Kaamatan celebration on 26 June 2010 organised by Dayak Chamber of Commerce and Industry (DCCI) and Kadazandusun Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KCCI) at the Borneo Convention Centre, Kuching surprised many an observer.
Since DCCI was formed in April 2002 at a seminar by the Sarawak Dayak Graduates Association, Taib and Jabu did not like the idea. No reason was given. Perhaps the idea did not come from them. Or perhaps they were not consulted.
Those from PBB who were involved were not only pressured to resign, but were also asked and sponsored to form another Dayak chamber of commerce. And for those who did not “obey the order” were made to suffer in terms of business, etc. One such person is Datuk Amar Linggi Jugah. Another person who was then the president of Sarawak Dayak graduates Association, Pro. Dr. Dimbab Ngidang was fouled on the slightest “mistake”.
Any way, the idea of forming a chamber of commerce for the Dayak community that was mooted at the seminar in Kuala Lumpur organised by Sarawak Dayak Graduates Association and INDEP (Sabah). It was organised under the sponsorship of Bernard Dumpok and Leo Moggie, both Federal Ministers. Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad officially launched the seminar.
Taib and Jabu were invited to attend. Initially they refused to attend. But upon learning that the Prime Minister Mahathir was to officially launch the seminar, both Taib and Jabu made an unannounced arrival at the seminar. I was there and saw the organisers in a “kelam-kabut” situation and they had to pull chairs from somewhere for them to sit on.
From thereon, the relationship between SDGA which was then headed by Professor Dr. Dimbab Ngidang and DCCI headed by Datuk Amar Linggi with the State Government worsened.
Fortunately, SDGA and DCCI have a good relationship with the Federal Government even during the time when Abdullah Ahmad Badawi became Prime Minister. And during those days the two organisations were under constant “attack” by the State leaders especially by Jabu. Whatever functions they organised especially the joint gawai-kaamatan celebrations and seminars not only they did not receive any support from the State government, but their leaders were criticised and condemned.
But this, 2010 (after eight years of “mouse-cat” relationships), Taib and Jabu became the “toast” of the DCCI seminar organisers.
No doubt it is good that they (DCCI and the government) are in good terms. And they should be congratulated for this. Forgive and Forget.
We know both DCCI and the State government need one another. For DCCI, there is the 10MP to think about and the business opportunities for its members. To Taib and Jabu, there is the coming State election also to think about. Being Dayak-based, DCCI can help the State BN to influence the Dayak voters in the rural areas to vote the BN candidates.
The rural constituencies, about 29 Dayak majority out of 71, will certainly become the BN’s “fixed deposits” in the coming election. The urban “fixed deposits” are slowly depleting. The results of the 2006 state election and the Sibu by-election are examples of this depletion. The BN component parties especially SUPP are damned worried about this trend.
I believe that “you scratch my back, I will scratch yours” is what was happening at the function. Don’t you see it? – The Broken Shield
Since DCCI was formed in April 2002 at a seminar by the Sarawak Dayak Graduates Association, Taib and Jabu did not like the idea. No reason was given. Perhaps the idea did not come from them. Or perhaps they were not consulted.
Those from PBB who were involved were not only pressured to resign, but were also asked and sponsored to form another Dayak chamber of commerce. And for those who did not “obey the order” were made to suffer in terms of business, etc. One such person is Datuk Amar Linggi Jugah. Another person who was then the president of Sarawak Dayak graduates Association, Pro. Dr. Dimbab Ngidang was fouled on the slightest “mistake”.
Any way, the idea of forming a chamber of commerce for the Dayak community that was mooted at the seminar in Kuala Lumpur organised by Sarawak Dayak Graduates Association and INDEP (Sabah). It was organised under the sponsorship of Bernard Dumpok and Leo Moggie, both Federal Ministers. Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad officially launched the seminar.
Taib and Jabu were invited to attend. Initially they refused to attend. But upon learning that the Prime Minister Mahathir was to officially launch the seminar, both Taib and Jabu made an unannounced arrival at the seminar. I was there and saw the organisers in a “kelam-kabut” situation and they had to pull chairs from somewhere for them to sit on.
From thereon, the relationship between SDGA which was then headed by Professor Dr. Dimbab Ngidang and DCCI headed by Datuk Amar Linggi with the State Government worsened.
Fortunately, SDGA and DCCI have a good relationship with the Federal Government even during the time when Abdullah Ahmad Badawi became Prime Minister. And during those days the two organisations were under constant “attack” by the State leaders especially by Jabu. Whatever functions they organised especially the joint gawai-kaamatan celebrations and seminars not only they did not receive any support from the State government, but their leaders were criticised and condemned.
But this, 2010 (after eight years of “mouse-cat” relationships), Taib and Jabu became the “toast” of the DCCI seminar organisers.
No doubt it is good that they (DCCI and the government) are in good terms. And they should be congratulated for this. Forgive and Forget.
We know both DCCI and the State government need one another. For DCCI, there is the 10MP to think about and the business opportunities for its members. To Taib and Jabu, there is the coming State election also to think about. Being Dayak-based, DCCI can help the State BN to influence the Dayak voters in the rural areas to vote the BN candidates.
The rural constituencies, about 29 Dayak majority out of 71, will certainly become the BN’s “fixed deposits” in the coming election. The urban “fixed deposits” are slowly depleting. The results of the 2006 state election and the Sibu by-election are examples of this depletion. The BN component parties especially SUPP are damned worried about this trend.
I believe that “you scratch my back, I will scratch yours” is what was happening at the function. Don’t you see it? – The Broken Shield
JT, Since there is no National-Level Gawai Dayak celebration this year, i guess the CM took the initiative to consider the function as in-lieu-of.
However, the presence of Jabu remains a mistery to the Dayak Community (save for his robotic voters in Betong)
Anyway, after failing to court and take control of SDNU and SADIA, one should also try other products including DCCI?
Good luck mr. adventure
There are two important and urgent things that SNAP needs to do. SNAP needs to strengthen its Administration and Communication while embarking on a robust selection of qualified and credible candidates who are able to quickly embrace the new role of working with Pakatan Rakyat and bring immediate added value to the party.
Activate all previous branches and establish an actively manned service centre in all constituencies where it has support base. Ensure transparency and competency in its administrative procedures.
Communicate effectively to its supporters and rural voters that SNAP is not against the government or anti- government. Let it be known that SNAP is partnering Pakatan Rakyat and is against the UMNO controlled BN government led by Taib Mahmud in Sarawak, which had delivered less than 30% of all its promises to the rural communities and citizens in the last 48 years of governing Sarawak.
As a result of UMNO controlled BN government mismanagement of fund, resources and blatant corruptions, leakages and wastages and cronyism, and the wicked intention of Taib Mahmud to keep the rural Dayaks in perpetual poverty and confined them to begging for subsidies and grants, the people need a new government to protect their interests and ensure speedy and systematic developments are brought to the door step of the rural poor and farmers.
In Pakatan Rakyat, the people have a choice now and they don’t need another 5 years of empty promises from UMNO controlled BN government when the people had already wasted 48 years.
“you scratch my back, I will scratch yours”
Isn't this Najib's 1Malaysia concept in the recent sibu buy-election? It failed to win the chinese voters there but it might just win this two stooges most of our apai saloi dayak votes come next election!
Taib and Jabu are birds of the same feathers.They just show up to see who is there and to let all those who are there to know who is the real boss.
We all know election is round the corner. They needed the dayak votes badly.
Now the dayak have to wake up and see for themselves whether they wanted to be cheated for another term.
as long "apai saloi" still exist in Sarawak, BN will still become the goverment of the especially with 'kamu tolong saya, saya tolong kamu'...and tell me what have musen lamoh expendite for the people in batang ai?.. but the iban will still vote dacing even the dacing in reality berat sebelah....
lu fikir la sendiri, cheers!
Where are the Black Areas for UMNO controlled BN rural constituencies ?
a) Areas where 30% or more of the population have yet to have treated water, electricity, and decent tar roads.
b) Overcrowded primary and secondary schools with poor learning environment.
c) NCR land and Section 47 land issues.
d) Areas where 70% of the youths have no jobs or employment opportunity and forced to leave home to work in the cities or towns.
e) Areas where the YBs have been over promising and under delivered or YBs who are known to have vested interests in private plantations and plantation owners have been intimidating and threatening the local people.
e) Areas where the plight, grievances, and problems of the people were known to have fallen on deaf ears.
The above list is not exhaustive and if we were to pin point rural constituencies with the above issues, UMNO controlled BN in Sarawak will have many Black Areas in the coming state election.
Pakatan Rakyat must activate their election machineries now and capitalise on the above issues which UMNO controlled BN has failed to solve and deliver although the ruling government has been given the mandate to rule for 48 years.
Pejalai agi jauh. Sida ke enda nakal, ninggal ke diri, tang bala ke agi ngemeran penemu makin ransing agi.
Kitai mesti liat ati enda olih di-keremba orang. Enti datai di bandir, anang matul tang, langkah bandir lalu pajak ke pejalai nuju adan.
Jamal Jamaludin
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