Ever since the first state election was introduced to Sarawak in 1970, Batang Ai, which has strong Dayak sentiments, has always favour the opposition and the question that many political observers are asking now is whether the BN can break the jinx in this by-election.

In the 1987 election, it went back to Snap, but was retaken by PBDS in a by-election after Snap state assemblyman, Sylvester Langgit was killed in a road accident. PBDS-sponsored independent Mikai Mandau was elected in a by-election. However, Mikai who defected to PBB and stood on a BN ticket was defeated by the late Dublin Unting of PBDS, then the opposition in the 1991 state election. In 1995, PBDS rejoined the state BN.
Following the deregistration of PBDS in October 2004, PRS was formed and inherited the seat. Unting being one of the founders of the party, had been the state assemblyman until his death on Feb 24, 2009 that caused the by-election.
Now that Jawah Gerang, the five-term Barisan MP for Lubok Antu who is known to be a fiery speaker, has joined the opposition PKR, can the BN through a political greenhorn, Malcolm Mussen retain the seat for PRS?
Initially it appears that the BN is having an uphill battle as the opposition has launched an all-out effort attacking the BN left, right and centre, putting it on the defensive.
Wrong political strategy by BN
In its counter attack, BN blamed Jawah for lack of infrastructure development when he was 22 years as the Lubok Antu MP. That however was a wrong political strategy as it directly blamed the late Dublin Unting, the state assemblyman for Batang Ai.
Unting, who was a member of Abdul Taib Mahmud’s cabinet should be more politically powerful and influential than Jawah and should also share the blame for the failure to bring development to Batang Ai.
“I was an ordinary MP and I did not hold any ministerial post. You blame the ministers and don’t blame Jawah,” Jawah said.
Even PRS president and Land Development Minister James Masing agreed with Jawah and admitted that an ordinary MP or state assemblyman had no authority to decide on development plans. The only person who has the authority is the chief minister.
“If he wants that project to be implemented, it will be done almost immediately,” said a cabinet minister who refused to be identified and added: “Look at Mukah, which is in Taib’s constituency, more than RM1 billion has been spent for its development.”
In fact, Jawah in his fiery speeches revealed that his MP funds had been withheld for several months by the state government so that it appeared that he had not done anything to help his constituents. So who is to be blamed? he asked.
As polling day draws nearer, the Barisan Nasional is intensifying its campaign by deploying every available means to ensure that the seat does not go to the opposition. Helicopters carrying ministers start to criss-cross the interior of Batang Ai to make sure no longhouse is unvisited. Federal ministers also show up to help campaign.
'Do not miss out any area'

The fact that Taib is giving the order indicates the tough battle the BN candidate is facing against an experienced candidate who has become an icon of Dayakism in the constituency.
Adding to the headache of the Barisan Nasional is that a number of ex-PBDS leaders are assisting Jawah who was a vice president of the party before its deregistration.
Their campaign for their former colleague seem to revive a spirit of esprit-de-corps in this by-election by raising issues connected to Dayak rights.
They remind the voters that the fight for Dayak rights began in Lubok Antu where famous fighters such as Rentap Libau and Banting fought against the White Rajahs.
Many of the Iban fighters had died due to their inferior weapons as compared with what were used by the Rajahs. But their spirit of bravery not only continued to be chanted and ranted in pantuns (traditional songs), but also inspired them, especially their descendants.
Jawah described as a 'hero'
Against this historical background, another battle is on between two descendants of great warriors, the political battle to control the Batang Ai constituency.
Jawah Gerang noted for his oratory has been described as “Bujang Berani” (hero) representing Parti Keadilan Rakyat while his rival is the former civil servant, Malcolm Mussen, of Parti Rakyat Sarawak (PRS), a component of the Barisan Nasional.
Knowing the historical background of Lubok Antu, Selangor Menteri Besar Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim in one of his campaign trails declared:
“Let Batang Ai initiate the political change with this by-election. And soon it will spread to other parts of Sarawak and Sabah.
“I am confident of it and Jawah Gerang will do it for us,” added Khalid.
But the BN government is equally confident of winning the by-election. Taib Mahmud said: “No amount of opposition persuasion will make the people of Batang Ai abandon the Barisan Nasional which has proven time and again that it is capable of bringing progress to the rural constituency.
“Despite the opposition’s push for headway into longhouses, the local community is well aware of the many benefits they will enjoy once the government plans are implemented,” he said.
As hinted by Taib, money and “instant noodle” projects will be the tools of the Barisan Nasional where more than RM100 million worth of projects have been approved, and they include road projects, telecommunication centres and towers, repair of longhouses, and grants to longhouse development and security committees. Many more are expected in the last day of campaigning.
And with a theme “Change the government”, the opposition on the other hand is highlighting the lack of infrastructural development, basic amenities, clinics, electricity, supply of clean water, broken promises, and lack of farming land, blaming the government for all the people’s miseries.
These miseries were created by the government as a result of the construction of the Batang Ai hydro-electric dam in 1982.
Projects approved 'on-the-spot'
Some 1,200 square km of land and several graveyards were submerged and about 20 longhouses involving more than 400 households had to be moved out and resettled down river in an entirely new environment.
There were also allegations against the government for its failure to keep its promises resulting in their claims unpaid, land titles not given, no electricity and clean water supply and no land to farm, etc. As a result of these broken promises, the people have suffered a great deal.
And to rebut all these allegations, BN sends it most powerful Second Minister of Resource Management and Planning and Minister of Public Utilities, Awang Tengah Ali Hassan, to Batang Ai to approve projects “on-the-spot”.
Now the BN is fully confident of winning the by-election, especially when the newly-appointed Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak is also campaigning for the BN candidate.
Thus, Joseph Salang, PRS information chief, believes that his party is going to win the by-election and its victory “will make a perfect gift from the Iban community in Sarawak to new Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak”.
He said the Ibans who make the majority of the voters in the constituency could ill afford to reject the BN government candidate Malcolm Mussen Lamoh and should not shame Najib by voting for the opposition in Batang Ai.
But one of the most important factors is the background of the candidate. For Jawah, he is well known for his outspokenness and has also helped to turn so many longhouses into modern structures, comparable to any house in town. Every weekend, he is always with the people.
For Malcolm Mussen, he has yet to be tested although as a civil servant he was doing very well. But what comes to haunt him is his late father, Penghulu Lamoh’s alleged involvement in selling land belonging to the people.
As one woman cried out loud during the nomination day: “Mussen, remember what your father did to our land; he sold them and we cannot forget that. We do not want any of the children of Penghulu Lamoh to be our leader and sell our land again.”
Nevertheless, the voters have a choice. After listening to both sides, they know what to do. Either they vote for the candidate from BN which promises more development or the candidate from PKR which wants to change the state government. The answer to this will be known on April 7.
Source: http://www.malaysiakini.com/news/101715
The Achilles heel for PKR is the tuai rumahs. Unfortunately they have to support BN because of their monthly allowance. It's self-preservation, simple as that. PKR should have promised them to double their allowance if the opposition won the next state election.
It is good to have a strong opposition in Batang Ai or in aother places, at least there is development or promises of development from BN.
If the BN break their promises to the rakyat, then the rakyat knows who they really are. Even if BN win this Batang Ai, it's sure put BN in dire strait. They have to work very hard to bring developments as promised as the rakyat will constant watch, bark and bite at them in the next state election, just 2 years from now. So it is not that easy for BN.
BN could easily win this Batang Ai election but the real winner is PKR as they will win psychologically.
Lots of constituencies in Sarawak under BN are backward in developments. Look back in 5 years ago or 10 years ago, there seem to be no changes at all.
Even if BN win in Batang Ai, the real war between Jabu and Masing is constant, never end.
Remember Malcom Mussen is NOT PRS member but put up by Jabu, not Masing's choice. Mussen is the 3rd outsider of Jabu's choice to be candidate in PRS/BN after Masir (Simanggang) and Nyallau (Lubok Antu). How long Masing or PRS members could keep silent, doing nothing or being bullied by Jabu?
Come on PRS, stop being bullied. Stand up and speak up your mind. You knows very well what is happening in PRS now. PRS, your beloved party is BN compononent and yet you are being manipulated and bullied. Where is your pride? Dignity? How long you will stand like this?
So the rift between Jabu and Masing is on going. Lots of PRS supreme concils and members know about this but they choosed to keep silent. The rift between Jabu and Masing is like a boil waiting to burst.
Like they said, BN could win the battle but opposition win the war.
Why are some projects approved now? Why suddenly Taib realises that Batang Ai is underdeveloped?
Is Taib not a hypocrite?
Lets Change The Government.
Lets kick Taib.
How? Vote PKR.
Quote "He said the Ibans who make the majority of the voters in the constituency could ill afford to reject the BN government candidate Malcolm Mussen Lamoh and should not shame Najib by voting for the opposition in Batang Ai".
For Joseph Salang to utter these words is really sad, shameful and pathetic. Once again he wants the Ibans to stoop that low and to look like fools in the making. If he wants to remain as a "ball polisher" so be it. Don't ever tell us the new reformasi Ibans to follow your perverted wisdom! BN has taken us for granted and shamed us for too long (50 years). Its about time we do a U-turn and stop being taken for granted. We want to wake up to a new dawn after April 7! HIDUP JAWAH. HIDUP PKR!
We are supporting our brethren from afar.. Come on Sarawakians.. Vote PR towards MALAYSIA.. No more East and West or Borneo and Semenanjung..
Some one should take photos of the tuai rumah in Kuching!! Splash the photos on the Net.
It is not right to control minds like this.
\Make the Ibans look so stupid.
haha...all the so-called development money only goes to taib's place...mukah...
fook of the BN
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