Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) has named former Member of Parliament for Lubok Antu Jawah Gerang (pic) as its candidate for the Batang Ai by-election which is to be held on 7 April 2009, sources close to the party revealed today to Malaysiakini.
PKR de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim is expected to officially announce Jawah as the candidate at his longhouse at Sayat, Lubok Antu on Sunday, 22 March.
A graduate in Economics from the University of Malaya, Jawah worked with a bank in Kuching. He was recruited by the defunct Parti Bansa Dayak Sarawak (PBDS) for the Lubok Antu parliamentary by-election on 3 and 4 April 1987 when the incumbent MP Andrew Janggi Muyang died following a road accident. He won with a thumping victory.
Jawah had won the Lubok Antu parliamentary constituency five times. He was returned unopposed in 1990 and 1995 elections.
Isn’t it strange that when Jawah first contested the Lubok Antu parliamentary seat on a PBDS ticket, it was a by-election following the death of Andrew Janggi Muyang in 1987? Now he is contesting the state seat of Batang Ai in a by-election, which is part of Lubok Antu parliamentary seat, also following the death of the incumbent Dublin Unting. Could this mean anything to the voters of Batang Ai? – The Broken Shield
Source: www.thebrokenshield.blogspot.com
PKR de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim is expected to officially announce Jawah as the candidate at his longhouse at Sayat, Lubok Antu on Sunday, 22 March.
A graduate in Economics from the University of Malaya, Jawah worked with a bank in Kuching. He was recruited by the defunct Parti Bansa Dayak Sarawak (PBDS) for the Lubok Antu parliamentary by-election on 3 and 4 April 1987 when the incumbent MP Andrew Janggi Muyang died following a road accident. He won with a thumping victory.
Jawah had won the Lubok Antu parliamentary constituency five times. He was returned unopposed in 1990 and 1995 elections.
Isn’t it strange that when Jawah first contested the Lubok Antu parliamentary seat on a PBDS ticket, it was a by-election following the death of Andrew Janggi Muyang in 1987? Now he is contesting the state seat of Batang Ai in a by-election, which is part of Lubok Antu parliamentary seat, also following the death of the incumbent Dublin Unting. Could this mean anything to the voters of Batang Ai? – The Broken Shield
Source: www.thebrokenshield.blogspot.com
This is good news!
Jawah Gerang will 'sayat' (meaning cut in Iban) Malcolm Mussen, the BN candidate with a thumping victory...Time to vote PKR for a CHANGE.
Undilah Calon PKR!!
Like they say, "truth is stranger than fiction". I think he should eye Taib Mahmud or Alfred Jabu constituency next. Just wishful thinking, you get my meaning.
Tuai Apai
BE informed that the protem committee of Dayaks Bloggers Association will meet on Tuesday, 3rd March 2009 to unveil 10 Dahlil why PKR leaders shouldn’t nominate Nicholas Bawin and/or why Batang Ai voters should reject him.
Venue: A-One, BDC, Kuching
Date : Tuesday, 3rd March 2009.
Time: 2.30pm
All are welcome !
The above announcement was posted almost in all Dayaks Blogs on 1st March 2009. Not many then take heeds of the intended objective.And today Dayaks Bloggers Association is pleased to announce that PKR leadership
has finally agreed to endorse Jawah Gerang candidacy as PKR flag bearer for Batang Ai. Special thanks to Singh the King, Miss Kepayang, low IQ and other lobbying & pressure groups who managed to convience DSAI that Jawah is the best, with that now the rating improved to 55-45 in favour of PKR.
Just spoke to YB, he is inviting Dayak Bloggers and readers to come to his Sayat longhouse for the official announcement this Sunday.
I'm from the peninsular and I support Jawah Gerang being made the candidate. Reason? As much as he was a BN man who praised BN for a long time, he has realized his wrongs and now he wants to be part of the new team. Which religion or ideology however feeble it is discourages people from reforming? He is like DSAI! Again, knowing that Sarawak BN is very strong, we need someone who knows the ins and outs of Batang Ai and who has immense resources apart from many family relations which work in favour of the candidates as the case is in Sarawak. Brother Mawin will be fielded in the nearby ADUN when we go for a state elections soon and I'm sure he is happy to help. Not all BN people are evil despite their shortcomings.
The choice of Jawah Gerang is wise to win the by-election after after much considerations.
Jawah is still highly respected political figure by Batang Ai consutitents and has very good chance to win the by-election over BN's Malcolm Mussen.
He is an-ex PBDS stallwart who is most feared by Jabu for his frank comments.
It is the duty of the government of the day to bring about fair development to any area in need of development. The fact that BN is concentrating on giving and announcing projects for Batang Ai is nothng more than renewed old tactic of Projek Kilat re-branded as projek Instant Noodles by none other than Najib. He must have picked the idea from his favourite book of strategy entitled "BLUE OCEAN"
The world is waiting to see whether constituents in Batang Ai still wnat to retain rottening BN OR change with PR for the better.
Bawin and his supporters will be disappointed but the priority is to get PKR the winner.
I hope there is sincirity in the people behind Jawah. Datuk Sng is the main sponsor and known to be a smart politician in many ways.
To Bawin and supporters, be patient. State will be Bawin as for now we must consolidate our position first and once we are footed well, all will be well.
To achieve our target of unseating the corrupt and careless regime, we must unite at all cost.
Dear Broken Shield,
From where is your info or source, This is totally baseless, while awaiting the announcement of Dato Seri tomorrow at lubok antu, you simply quoted that Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) has named former Member of Parliament for Lubok Antu Jawah Gerang Jawah Gerang is the candidate.
this is totally irresponsible and will create more confusion amount the voter in Lubok Antu.. are u the machinery of BN to Kill the Iban or you are helping the PR to Promote the Candidate.
Mind you, Jawah Gerang will be very busy defense himself with the ACA if he is chosen to be the Candidate.
"" Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) has named former Member of Parliament for Lubok Antu Jawah Gerang (pic) as its candidate for the Batang Ai by-election which is to be held on 7 April 2009, sources close to the party revealed today to Malaysiakini.""
Jawah Gerang can be the PKR choice to first capture the Batang Ai N29 state seat....this is to play safe for PKR
If he wins, by less than 2 years time he should hand it over to Nicholas Bawin to contest in the next state election which is believed to be very soon due to Taib's personal problems.
So I believe Nicholas Bawin (a humble and understanding man I know) will give his full support toward Jawah Gerang. Most important is that Nichloas must give full explanation and advice to his stronghold supporting longhouses and voters in Ulu Ai, Ulu Engkari, Resettlement Phase 1 & 2 and some of those from areas closer to the Lubok Antu town who have thrown their hope that Nicholas will stand this time in N29
Best wishes to you, PKR and voters in N29
There is so much talk about Batang Air By election but the heat only feels among many who cannot VOTE at all. How many of the actual voters see your views. Many Sokong but when it comes to the actual voting very different.You can guess some what if this by election is in the town area.
Peninsular man,
looked like you are just following he tide. Now you support Jawah bla..Bla..bla, but not too long ago you said u were in favour of Bawin. Glad that u r not an election candidate, otherwise another frog in the making.Same too goes to kleensingh also another malayan.
Frens, no matter who againts BN at Btg Ai...ka iya uduk, nyumbuh, manuk etc...undi PR..anang sekali2 mangkah BN...sema ko jako PR menang ilak pen tang nadai ngaga pemansang ilak..tauk buai...ra'yat nentu ka sapa ulih nyaga ra'yat, ukai YB...anang kitai nilat burit YB agik...lak ka YB (BN/PR nilat burit ra'yat....ra'yat nentu ka kuasa..
To anonymous (3.13pm),
no need to be emotional. Based on ground assessments, Jawah is the best candidate to face Mussen. Military intelligence and special branch people believe that Mussen will win if Bawin is fielded. But with Jawah, it will be a 50:50 fight. So anonymous (3:13pm), dont be an idiot and emotional.
We will support any candidate that Anwar pick.This victory in Batang Ai will spell the beginning of PKR entry into the rural ares and the beginning of the end of BN.
Every effort is been make to ensure that no stone is left unturn in order for us to archive victory in Batang Ai.
We fullysupport whoever is the candidate of PKR. the end results are we want a change in the government...WE kick BN out this time!!! Right Broken Shield!!
Taib government was very corrupted.
I wish PKR can win no matter who become the candidate.
Is batang air people wise to choose their future?or sell thier future right for RM 100, 0r RM200 or perhap RM500.00 and after that wait another 5 years...for another RM500.00
surely BN will buy vote for more than RM500.00 / vote
i really wish PKR can win. let us Say NO to corruption.
Taib and family rob and rape Sarawak until dry. So the most important thing to do is vote BN out of office by starting in Batang Ai.
I believe PKR leadership will evaluate the credentials of all potential candidates, including their dedications and commitments to serve the rakyat and will make a very wise decision. Whoever is chosen will get the undivided supports of the people,all party members and that of Pakatan coalition.
To all Sarawakians,Batang Ai will be our fisrt step in our march of a thousand miles to achieve true democracy and to dislodge Taib and BN.
We shall be witnessing the beginning of the end of the Zionist Melanau Empire. History teaches us that when Empires are at the death throes, they are most dangerous, because they wil employ all their powers to avert such eventuality.
Be united against the evil forces and vote PKR. The BN governmnet of Sarawak must be CHANGED.
Are you in Batang Ai? If you are there email me becos there is something I want you to know.
Let stand together and throw out BN for they are the culprits that raped,robbed and stole from the land of the hornbill.BN must be get rid off.Vote PKR.
N29 independent candidate blog
Berapa iko kitai ti mansut ka penemu ditu olih nulung kempen di Btg. Ai kini? Aku semak ari Btg Ai kira 1 jam ngena kereta, aku suah amat dah betemu ngau bala kitai Iban ari nyin, nya-alai ku nemu runding cda mimit lalu aku bc ga pangan ba SB mega. Enti Mr. Johnny Chuat amat nyadi bediri manah gipeluang BN menang diatu nitih ka assessment cda SB (21.3.09) BN agi leading 55 - 45
Jawah has become as something of a symbol or even an icon in Batang Ai for his courage to speak out on Iban issues when he was part of the ruling coalition, something which did not endear him to the top leadership of the state BN.
DEAR ANONYMOUS(21.3.09 @ 3.51 PTG)
Well i fully agree with you when JAwah is elected, the cage of terror will start rollong on him. Najib will call for Jawah to be arrested, BUT, there is always the good side of it. Know why?
Ha...ha... another durian runtuh in the form of mee segera again for BAtang Ai folks. Very very rich and well developed area then BATANG AI or it can be renamed BATANG TAI. BATANG TAI if promised projects remained a mystery i mean.
Ha...ha... the rakyat will be shown again what form of GOVT is Malaysia having when it come to selective prosecution. You all know when was Jawah investigated.
So this is the answer to your concern Mr. Anony posted on the 21.3.2009 @3.51hrs.
Blaming other people for our own failure is the old, yet wrong way of thinking. Are we going to inherit this mentality to our children. No please............
i will vote 4 BEBAS, PKR n BN are all tha same, see what happend 2 bawin (PKR) n jawah himself as an X PBDS??
don,t write off the small fish yet, we will see what happen to PKR and BN.. people are bored n need a change,.. so go n fight them BEBAS, they can take our land freedom and right, but they can never take our heart for being a DAYAK!!!...Go BEBAS Go BEBAS..u can do it!!!
I am sad that Sdr. Nicholas Bawin not selected to contest on PKR ticket. I know Bawin is sicere in his "perjuangan". Being a real "pejuang" I hope Bawin will undividedly support Jawah. I know both of you are nice, down to earth people.However, only one could contest.I believe Jawah has the X-factor to win. Let us all support Jawah for PR and people's victory.
Inside sources said Datuk Seri Anwar will announce Jawah Gerang as the candidate for Batang Ai by-election on Monday, 23 March 09.
Bawin has assured that he and his supporters will throw their support to Jawah as long as PKR can will this by-election.
(reporting from Rh Sayat, Lubok Antu)
Hidup, Hidup....Hidup, Johhny...
Historically BeeNd will field an ex-gomen officer or a gomen officer still in office. This is an abuse, of course there are a lot of other abuses. This should be stop cos later this officer will become yes man as in many a case....no need to mention who they are. I think PKR has made a good move but I would wish that PKR not to follow what the BeNed did.
It does not make a difference which candidate is chosen to run against the Mean Machine which is BN. What should make a difference is the unity of the Ibans in the area to vote for a change.
I am sure many of us saw the Al- Jazeera special on Sarawak, Taib etc...Made me sick to my stomach but what made me even sicker was the fact that we, the Sarawakians allowed this sort of Rape to take place. But i would like to say "thank you" to Aziz and Masing for showing the world that these are the kind of characters we have as our representative. Classic performance. Pity Jabu was not included. Would have seen a performance that can win an Oscar.
Neil Amstrong said it best, "One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind." Or alterntaively, "One small step for Dayaks, one giant leap for Sarawakians."
Let the Dayak chose their destiny, let them decide what's best for them and not what others deem is best for them.
Do not let yourself be used as a vessel for others. I know you may think you are popular and more suitable a candidate (its a Dayak trait) but let us now look at the bigger picture. Some of us are leaders some are not. Let not ego, selfishness and ethocentrism get in the way.
Will Mussen win unopposed?
You said: "Just curious how the Broken Shield and Miss Kepayang" can predict that Jawah Gerang will be candidate. The prediction was made three days ago. Many disputed the prediction including Pungal The Dayak Baru.
I think The Broken Shield has a dream, a vision. Am I right The Broken Shield?
Just curious and still scratching my head as to how on earth Brokenshield & Miss Kepayang accurately predicted on Jawah candidacy. They must be very influencial group in PKR, even Dayak Baru didn’t quite get there.From now on better trust them
for accurate & reliable political info. So confident were they that they dared to announce it days ahead of DSAI.
Now they are already predicting that Jawah is going to win the battle by not less than 400 votes, better believed.
BDA. There are only two choices. Bawin or Jawah. either it was correct or wrong. thats its. lets concentrate on getting the candidate the winner. dont be over confident on the 400 margin. remember it can also works the other way round.
i am not a pkr member but a supporter. as i cant be in LA i have deposited RM100 to Piee ling account of PKR through the effort of DJBA. Good luck PKR and wish my friend and student BAWIN not to be disappointed and support Jawah.
Remember MDC?? what's the point of holding this not to be party to represent dayak if it were registered AND bow to PAKATAN RAKYAT. are we dayak cannot stand on our own??
Everybody jump off the sinking ship and joined PKR, and we give up hope on MDC just like we left PBDS behind.
can we ever imagine if UMNO de-registered.. the malay will create some choas, but what about us??
Vote for BEBAS for whom he stand on his feet with brave heart!!
we will support you Johnny..
MDC? prefer we revive the PBDS like pds become upko
Dear Gerinang, our dayak current politics still immature compare to US...to defeat BN we must have enough resources,such as important one - money. Talk only tang enti nadai duit kena bekempen pen nadai guna..bekempen perlu maioh duit, ngaga banner, post/gambar, miyak, makai bala bekempen, etc...misc...MDC or SNAP nadai duit...aku pen ka agik enti kitai dayak bisi parti diri empu..tang kitai kurang resources..bala dayak2 ke kaya diatu(nuan nemu lah) pen nadai siko ka mantu kitai dayak..so ka pen enggai PKR meh..nadai parti bukai berdiri ngelaban BN...enti ngundi bebas nadai guna...laban BEBAS tuk pebeka masuk parti BN enti di beli BN..ilak meh meda...
We PKR Kuala Selangor will be in Batang Ai come nomination day.
We will want to share our winning experience in Selangor.
I've been in Sri Aman before but never to Batang Ai.
Is the broadband in Batang Ai ok??
I DONT THINK JAWAH WILL GIVE WAY TO BOWIN. Be realistic. He has been there for 20+ yrs. Why must be him anyway? He will never spit the sweets when its would be in his mouth. He is a power craze. Look who sourounded him during nomation day!! brookers right. We need people power not brookers. He failed in 20 yrs. And he is going to fail our people again. Please think as gantleman and as a worrior of our people.. NO TO JAWAH.
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